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Town of Smyrna

27 S Market Street Plaza, Smyrna, DE, 19977, US


If your business is located with our Town limits, you need a Business License, if your business is located outside our Town limits you need a Contractor's License.

If you have any questions, please call 302-653-9231 Option 4 or email us at

We have made it easy for you to complete and eSign the document from any device. You can use your smart phone or tablet to complete this form.Smyrna enacts business license/registration program:Recently the Town Council passed Ordinance #019-15, having determined that it is necessary to establish a business license process in order to identify owners or operators of local businesses, track changes in ownership or business activity, define the nature of business activities, ensure understanding and compliance with town codes and ordinances, and improve the coordination between the town government and our local business community.Businesses required to secure a license and register with the town include any person or entity engaged in the sale of goods or services, including, but not limited to, any retail, wholesale service, rental, food service, professional or personal service or other general commercial activity in the town.Certain activities are exempted such as utility company operations, charitable or religious activities (except retail components thereof), exhibitors, yard sales, activities exempted pursuant to state law, or activities otherwise requiring a permit as a peddler or solicitor, contractor, or rental properties license.If your business is located within the Town limits, you will need a Business License. If you are a contractor doing business within the Town of Smyrna, but your office is outside Town limits, you will need a contractors license.To complete the Business License application, you will have to make payment based on your type of business, (non refundable application fee) at the end of the completion of this form for the 2023 license.The town will make every effort to contact existing businesses to assist them in compliance with these new requirements; however, every business is encouraged to contact the Business Office (302-653-9231) to ensure that the requisite license and registration is obtained.If you require assistance, please contact the IT Department at (302) 389-2319
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09/12/2024Click to Sign
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Delaware State Business License Click Here to Upload