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Town of Smyrna

27 S Market Street Plaza, Smyrna, DE, 19977, US


Welcome to the Town of Smyrna's Budget Billing Request Form

We have made it easy for you to complete and eSign the document from any device. You can use your smart phone or tablet to complete this form.

Guidelines for Budget Billing
The Town of Smyrna provides the budget billing option to avoid seasonal peaks in electric bills by dividing payments evenly over the course of the entire year. This plan makes it easier to budget energy bills monthly, because the regular monthly payment is known.

Budget billing has 11 budget months and one settlement month each year. During each budget month, the bill will include the budget charge that is due before the due date listed on the bill. The utility bill will show the amount of actual charges used for that month, budget plan charge and the current budget difference. Periodically, the budget installments will be reviewed and, if necessary, recalculated based on actual energy use.

Calculating Charges & Payment Information
The budget charge is an average of the previous 12 months of usage. A 12-month history must be available at property to qualify for budget bill. The settlement amount that is owed in May will include actual utility charges for that month, as well as the difference (plus or minus) between the amount you paid during the previous 11 budget months and the total charges during those months.

To take advantage of budget billing, simply complete this form, customers (if eligible) can sign up for budget billing at any time during the budget year. The budget charges will begin the next billing cycle. If the customer requests to be removed from the budget billing they may not resign-up until the next budget year, which begins in June. If the customer wishes to be removed they must inform the billing department in writing of their request. This will become effective the next billing cycle.

Failure to pay the monthly budget amount will result in termination of services. Full deferred amount of budget must be paid before reconnection of services. Budget billing will cease and the customer will not be eligible for budget billing until the next budget year.

Effective Date: November 13, 2007

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